Here’s where you’ll find all our classes. WE believes in meeting improvisers where they are at and bringing everyone up to the same level, so there’s no wrong place to start. However we do offer some suggestions to help maximize your feeling of success and to meet and play with people with similar experiences.

  • If you’re looking to complete the WE Moneyball Program, start with Foundational 101A or 101B. Then take Intermediate 201A or 201B. Then Advanced 301A and 301B or 401.

  • If you’re looking to jump back in, or to shake off the rust, try 101B, 201A, or 201B.

  • If you want to be eligible for the Residency Program, you need to have taken any two workshops.

About We Improv Classes

WE was created to provide an inclusive team-focused improv community for all learners. I  (Jake Jabbour) am a 2010 TFA Corps Member and have my Master’s in Special Education so educational accessibility is at the forefront of my instruction. Combined with eleven years of improv experience at UCB LA, WE sets out to create a supportive and individualized comedy community.

How is WE Improv different from other schools/theaters?
1) The WE curriculum is research-based, multi-modality and designed to be inclusive for all learners.
2) Where other schools require you to see shows, WE creates opportunities for you to be in shows. Every standard curriculum class comes with four performances so you can get reps in and learn from performing.
3) WE workshops are small-group so you can feel part of a team immediately.
d) WE will never hold auditions. All residency and house teams are formed out of classes by the team members themselves. Improvisers are empowered to take ownership over their team development and focus.