Wild Child

  • Garrett Palm

    Garrett Palm is an improviser, writer, director, producer, actor, etc., etc., etc. from Portland, OR. He is a member of WE Improv’s Friday night team Wild Child. He is the showrunner of Smosh’s Eat It or Yeet It, a show where he tortures people by making them eat food that ranges from fine to awful. He loves travel, has produced travel shows, and has a travel podcast called Agents of Travel where he plays a “secret travel agent” interrogating people on their favorite trips. He is the co-founder of Kickstand Comedy in Portland, and was the shortest member of the long-gone Magnet house team, Dunk, in NYC.

  • Mark Jacob

    Mark Jacob is an improviser, actor, stand-up comedian on a break, and writer from El Paso, TX aka El Chuco Town. You can catch him performing at WE Improv with Wild Child. I was a wild child growing up and I believe my first laugh on stage was at the age of 4 during a folklórico dance, a traditional Mexican dance with big hats and big colorful dresses. I was so nervous that I fell to the floor, but instead of lying there in shame, the audience laughed. I proceeded to do it over and over again and have been addicted to laughs ever since.

  • Casey Rosario

    Casey Rosario is a writer and improviser originally from Jimmy Buffet-obsessed Clearwater, FL. She’s thrilled to be at WE playing with TUCCI and Wild Child! Her love of improv/sketch comedy and dusty, black box theaters first began while performing at UNC-Chapel Hill, and her writing in recent years has advanced in notable screenwriting competitions like Launchpad and WeScreenplay’s Diverse Voices. She’s also currently in school to become a therapist, and she hopes you’re being kind to yourself today, she really does.

  • Ivan Ngo

    Ivan is a writer and improvisor from the San Gabriel Valley. SGV FOO! He has studied and performed at UCB and has been with WE since the early days practicing out of Jake’s apartment, and is very proud to be on the Official WE Coach List. He hosts a show with May Darmon and Erin Smith every 1st and 3rd Monday at the Clubhouse. Check this foo out at Dodger Stadium and performing with Wild Child on Fridays.

  • Erin Smith

    Erin Kelly Smith is a writer, director and editor originally from Seattle, WA. She has improvised on teams at UCB and Second City and currently performs on Wild Child at WE Improv. She hosts a Clubhouse show every second and fourth Monday and is a member of Mach Improv. Erin is proud of her Letterboxd film reviews and you can find those as well as many other clickable links at erinkellysmith.com.

  • Vida Robbins

    Vida is a multi-hyphenate professional of the writing and improvising variety. Come see for yourselves on Fridays with Wild Child (not actual children) or on Wednesdays with Cat People (not actual cat/human hybrids …yet). Vida has studied and performed at Third Coast Comedy in Nashville, TN and The UCB in Los Angeles, CA yet all that pales in comparison to her 4 years spent with WE Improv, where she earned a BA in Zip Zap Zop. When she’s not improvising you can catch her filming content for the very silly people at SMOSH.